Thursday, October 17, 2013

First day struggles

The dreaded H monster has visited us today.  Yes, that horrible, terrible, dreadful creature called- HOMEWORK.  Oh wait we have that every weekday.

Less than 12 hours after my first post, my resolve to be more positive is tested.  One grumpy and overly tired 7 month old, due to lack of afternoon nap and one grumpy 10 year old, who really hates homework.  Anyone who has had a baby can understand how vital naps can be, not just for the baby, but for yourself as well.  And well, anyone who has ever had to do homework can understand how difficult it can be to start some days.  Combine those two, and well, we had a few tears.  As for me, I had to take a break from the emotional daughter and chill in the bedroom with a very grumpy baby and focus on trying to either get him to nap or at least, not scream.  Thankfully the wonderful hubs came home, gave me a break from the sleepy baby and I was able to help my daughter "shake the stress away" and get in a few giggles before we buckled down and worked on the dreaded homework.

So a little info on my daughter, she is smart, funny, charming (when she wants to be), caring and has been diagnosed with ADHD with a mood disorder.  So what does this mean for our family? It means that traditional ADHD medication doesn't work for her.  Most medication, while helping her focus, also makes her incredibly sensitive and prone to emotional breakdowns and panic attacks.  Stress is a huge trigger for her which often ends with a lot of time wasted and late nights doing homework.  We do our best to make sure to take breaks, eat healthy and get lots of exercise to help this, but some days, it is inevitable.  Today was that day.  We pulled through and live to fight another day!

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